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Best British Globemakers

London, England has long been a globemaking hub. The town of Ryde, on the Isle of Wight, off the south coast of England? Also, improbably, now a globemaking hub.

Here’s a list of some the best makers of globes in Britain today.

globemaker hand-colouring a globe at Greaves and Thomas globemakers

Greaves & Thomas

Founded by James Bissell-Thomas in 1991, Greaves & Thomas make a eclectic range of globes, from facsimiles of 16th century globes to brightly coloured Jupiter globes. They craft their globes from plaster spheres, hand-papering and hand-painting them in the traditional way.

Based on the Isle of Wight, England, Greaves & Thomas make all their globes in the UK.

Prices: £30 – £12,766 (around $40 – $17,000)

  about Greaves & Thomas

Jade Fenster hand-painting a globe at Bellerby & Co globemakers

Bellerby & Co Globemakers

Bellerby & Co make some of the most beautiful globes on the planet.

Hand-painted in their picturesque studio in London, England, their globes range from 8½-inch diameter mini desk globes to the magnificent 50-inch diameter Churchill.

Prices: £1,199 – £79,000 (around $1,600 – $105,000)

  about Bellerby & Co Globemakers

hands of Chris Adams from Lander and May hand-painting a globe

Lander & May

Chris Adams uses the traditional technique of skimming papier maché balls with plaster to make globes on the Isle of Wight, England.

His collection includes both modern and historical designs; the former can be customized to show particular places or routes.

Prices: £295 – £3,700 (around $400 – $5,000)

  about Lander & May

The Clare Hall Company

The Clare Hall Company was founded by Michael Moore when he moved to the town of Clare in rural England.

As well as offering a range of replicas of antique desk and floor globes, the company carries out commissions that have found their way into palaces and films.

Prices: each globe individually priced

  about The Clare Hall Company

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Beautiful, tactile, custom wooden globes

Image of Jade Fenster at Bellerby & Co globemakers (cropped) by Jade Fenster, Bellerby & Co reproduced under CC BY-SA 4.0